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A list of all League Cup final matches that Manchester United have participated in.

Click on match date for line up
All Manchester United League Cup Finals Query
No Match Date Opponents National Flag Opponent Nationality Competition Seasons Stadium W/D/L F-A
1 26-03-1983 Liverpool
England League Cup 1982-1983 Wembley L 1-2
2 21-04-1991 Sheffield Wednesday
England League Cup 1990-1991 Wembley L 0-1
3 12-04-1992 Nottingham Forest
England League Cup 1991-1992 Wembley W 1-0
4 27-03-1994 Aston Villa
England League Cup 1993-1994 Wembley L 1-3
5 02-03-2003 Liverpool
England League Cup 2002-2003 Millennium Stadium L 0-2
6 26-02-2006 Wigan Athletic
England League Cup 2005-2006 Millennium Stadium W 4-0
7 01-03-2009 Tottenham Hotspur
England League Cup 2008-2009 Wembley D 0-0
8 28-02-2010 Aston Villa
England League Cup 2009-2010 Wembley W 2-1
9 26-02-2017 Southampton
England League Cup 2016-2017 Wembley W 3-2
10 26-02-2023 Newcastle United
England League Cup 2022-2023 Wembley W 2-0

About this site

This site was originally conceived by Mark Graham and launched in 1996, the oldest Manchester United page on the internet today, built to preserve & showcase the history of the club & share results, stats & information of Manchester United.
Since it's inception it has grown considerably with the gargantuan contribution of Roy Redshaw & research of Jim Briggs, Charbel Boujaoude & Rob Compton.

West Cumbria Reds Branch Flag.......as seen behind the Stretford End @ all Home games  

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